Senegalia nigrescens (100 seeds)
Family: Fabaceae
Common names: knob thorn, knoppiesdoring.
It is a hardy, small to large stately deciduous tree is characterized by its knob-studded grey or yellow trunk and branches. The hooked spine-tipped knobs are prevalent on young trees but are less evident on older specimens. Sweetly-scented spikes of creamy-white flowers are produced from August to November. When in flower this tree is alive and humming with the multitude of insects and birds that feast on the pollen and nectar offered up.
Sowing instructions: The seeds must first be soaked in hot water, left overnight and planted the next morning in seedling trays. Cover the seeds lightly with river sand and keep moist. Placing a clear glass over the seedling tray can speed up germination.
Locality: Polokwane. Harvest: August 2024