Vachellia tortilis (Acacia tortilis) (100 seeds)
Common names: Umbrella Thorn (e), Haak-en-steek (a), umSasane (z)
Hardy, evergreen, drought resistant, slow growing umbrella-shaped Acacia with abundant, fragrant, white, puffball flowers from November to January followed by distinctive curled pods that rattle in the wind. It has both hooked and straight thorns. This is the typical Acacia associated with the African savannah. It is a little slow growing but worth the wait as it develops a beautiful umbrella shape. It is an indicator of sweet veld and has a preference for deep soils. It can also be planted in smaller gardens as it rarely grows into a very big tree. Attracts birds and butterflies to the garden. Size 5 to 20 m.
Locality: Pietersburg Harvest: October 2024