Adansonia digitata
Family: Malvaceae
Common names: Baobab(Eng.) kremetartboom(Afr.) isimuku,(Z)
The main stem of larger baobab trees may reach enormous proportions of up to 28 m in girth. Although baobab trees seldom exceed a height of 25 m. The massive, usually squat cylindrical trunk gives rise to thick tapering branches resembling a root-system, which is why it has often been referred to as the upside-down tree. The stem is covered with a bark layer, which may be 50-100 mm thick. The leaves are hand-sized and divided into 5-7 finger-like leaflets. Being deciduous, the leaves are dropped during the winter months and appear again in late spring or early summer. The large, pendulous flowers are white and sweetly scented. They emerge in the late afternoon from large round buds on long drooping stalks.
Sowing instructions: The dark brown to black, kidney-shaped seeds should be soaked in a container of hot water and allowed to cool, they may then be sown after soaking for 24 hrs. Seeds are best sown in spring and summer in a well-drained seedling mixture containing one-third sand. Cover the seed with sand to a depth of 4-6 mm, place the trays in a warm semi-shaded position and water regularly until the seeds have all germinated. Germination may take from two to six weeks. Seedlings should be carefully monitored for damping off fungus, which can be treated with a fungicidal drench.
Locality: Pietersburg. Harvest: October 2024