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Albuca glandulifera (10 seeds)


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Albuca glandulifera (price per 10 seeds). This Albuca grows from Namibia to the Northwest Cape in the very dry conditions. Sowing: Fill a pot with a moist, gritty, loam-based compost. Gently firm down and level the surface. Scatter your seeds over the surface, taking care not to sow them too thickly. Gently sprinkle a thin layer of vermiculite or fine grit over the seeds, covering the whole surface of the compost. Leave the pot in a greenhouse or on a warm windowsill, covered with a clear plastic bag to preserve soil moisture. Seedlings will develop within a few weeks. Remove the plastic bag and water when the compost becomes dry, but spray the surface with water regularly, to keep it moist. Locality: Ex Hort. Harvest: October 2020