Aloe gerstneri (100 seeds)
Family: Aloaceae
Stems are very short or are completely absent, single rosettes are formed with a rounded appearance. Leaves are long and quite broad (120mm at the base). Leaves are dull-green in color, leaf surfaces are both smooth, leaf margins armed with sharp widely spaced brown teeth. Flowers are bight orange in color.
Sowing instructions: Seeds germinate very well but may damp off if overwatered. Use a mixture of river sand, compost and soil to sow seeds in. Sprinkle the seeds evenly on the surface and cover with a layer of small pebbles. The pebbles help the seedlings to stay upright and prevent damping off. Keep seed tray in a dry warm corner and do not allow to dry out. Transplant the seedlings after one year.
Locality: Babanango. Harvest: December 2024