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Aloe greatheadii var. davyana (100 seeds)


3 in stock

Aloe greatheadii var. davyana (100 seeds)

Family: Aloaceae

Common names: Kleinaalwyn, Spotted Aloe

Very hardy, fairly robust, drought resistant stemless Aloe that grows singly or in groups. The leaves are shiny green with white spots arranged in bands. They have sharp dark brown teeth along the leaf margins. Pale pink to bright red attractive flowers is arranged on a branched flowering stem in June and July. This is a common Aloe on the Witwatersrand and also occurs in the Northern Provinces and the Free State. It can be used successfully as a soil binder on banks and to prevent erosion. The leaf sap is used medicinally for the treatment of burns and wounds. Planted in large numbers in full sun or semi-shade they will brighten up a winter garden. Size 20cm. Flower spikes 35cm.

Sowing instructions: Seeds germinate very well but may damp off if overwatered. Use a mixture of river sand, compost and soil to sow seeds in. Sprinkle the seeds evenly on the surface and cover with a layer of small pebbles. The pebbles help the seedlings to stay upright and prevent damping off. Keep seed tray in a dry warm corner and do not allow to dry out. Transplant the seedlings after one year.

Locality: Groblersdal. Harvest: August 2024

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