Aloe microstigma (100 seeds)
Family: Aloaceae
It is a medium size and very attractive aloe that usually occur singularly or in small groups, up to 50 cm in diameter and 60-70 cm tall. Leaves are up to 40 cm long and 7.5 cm wide, lanceolate to deltoid arranged in spiraled rosettes. Conspicuously scattered with white spots on the upper and lower surface, which contrast well with the reddish-brown teeth along the margins. The flowers are typically red until they are open and then turn pure yellow.
Sowing instructions: Seeds germinate very well but may damp off if overwatered. Use a mixture of river sand, compost and soil to sow seeds in. Sprinkle the seeds evenly on the surface and cover with a layer of small pebbles. The pebbles help the seedlings to stay upright and prevent damping off. Keep seed tray in a dry warm corner and do not allow to dry out. Transplant the seedlings after one year.
Locality: Robertson. Harvest: November 2024