Aloe rupestris yellow (100 seeds)
Family: Aloaceae
Plants usually stand tall on single-stemmed trunks 4–6 m tall, but can reach heights of over 8 m, when the specimen grows in and amongst other shrubs that offer structural support. Smooth, dull green leaves are simple, lance-like, spreading to carried vertically where it somewhat droops towards the tips. The leaves are grooved to form a U-shape in cross section. Just below the rosette head of leaves will be a layer of dead leaves that remain on the plant for a long time. Leaf margins are lined with reddish brown, serrated teeth.
Sowing instructions: Seeds germinate very well but may damp off if overwatered. Use a mixture of river sand, compost and soil to sow seeds in. Sprinkle the seeds evenly on the surface and cover with a layer of small pebbles. The pebbles help the seedlings to stay upright and prevent damping off. Keep seed tray in a dry warm corner and do not allow to dry out. Transplant the seedlings after one year.
Locality: Ex Hort. Harvest: October 2019.