Arum italicum var. marmoratum (price per 3 seeds)
Family: Araceae.
It is a stemless woodland species native to Europe. It resembles our native Jack-in-the-Pulpit (Arisaema tryphyllum). Each flower consists of (1) an erect, finger-like spadix covered with minute, creamy white flowers and (2) a large, sheath-like, light green spathe (bract) which subtends and partially envelops the spadix like a hood. Flowers produced in spring. Arrowhead-shaped, long-petioled, glossy grayish-green leaves with pale green midribs. After bloom, the leaves and spathe die back leaving only the thick spadix which develops attractive, bright orange-red berries in summer. New leaves emerge in autumn and remain evergreen in warm winter climates.
Sowing instructions: Sow seeds in a well draied medium.
Locality: Ex Hort. Harvest: August 2024