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Carpobrotus mellei (mountain sourfig) (100 seeds)


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Carpobrotus mellei (100 seeds)

Family: Aizoaceae

Common names: mountain sourfig, bergsuurvy

The mountain sourfig is a mat-forming leaf succulent from the mountains in the Western Cape. The leaves are ascending and slightly glaucous, the flowers pink with stigmas that overtop the stamens, and the fruits are club-shaped and edible when ripe. The fruits are edible and collected annually in summer when mature, when they become wrinkled and brownish. Fruits have a long shelf life. When mature, they can be eaten or prepared as a jam.

Sowing instructions: Sow in trays, pots, etc of good seed compost in a propagator or warm place to maintain an optimum temperature of 20-25°C. Cover with peat or sand.

Locality: Herold. Harvest: April 2024