Dais cotinifolia (price per 100 seeds)
Family: Thymelaeaceae
Common names: pompon tree, pincushion tree, kannabas, speldekussing, basboom
It is a small, but relatively fast-growing tree reaching up to 6 m in height, making it perfect for small gardens or street trees. In early summer the Pompon tree transforms into a spectacular sight of soft pink flower balls, resembling lollypops.
Sowing instructions: Sow seed in spring or early summer in seed trays filled with a well-drained medium. Cover the seed lightly with fine milled bark or sand, place in a shady position and keep moist. To improve the germination, treat the seed with a fungicide that prevents damping off. The young seedling can be potted up as soon as they are big enough to handle.
Locality: Johannesburg. Harvest: September 2024