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Deinbollia oblongifolia (100 seeds)


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Deinbollia oblongifolia.

Family: Sapindaceae

Common names: dune soapberry, duineseepbessie

It is an erect sparsely-branched shrub or small slender tree, about 5 m tall. Leaves alternate, compound, large, 300-500 mm long. The leaf stalk is up to 90 mm long. Leaflets opposite, 5-10 pairs, oblong to elliptic, 35-150 x 15-50 mm, hard, pale green when new becoming dark green, with pale veins. Leaves with a few hairs or hairless.

Sowing instructions: Propagate this shrub from seed, in trays filled with seedling soil or a mixture of river sand and sifted compost (1:1) and keep moist.

Locality: Ex Hort. Harvest: April 2024