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Dodonaea angustifolia (viscosa) (100 seeds)


9 in stock

Dodonaea angustifolia (viscosa) (100 seeds)

Family: Sapindaceae

Common names: Sand Olive (e), Sandolien (a)

Very hardy, evergreen, drought resistant, fast growing, multi-branched shrub with light green, glossy leaves and attractive, winged, dark pink, papery seeds. It flowers during winter with clusters of small green flowers. They are followed by attractive, inflated seed capsules. This decorative shrub for the garden is an ideal, fast growing plant for windbreaks and screening and is also used to stabilize sands and even makes a good container plant. It is a useful nurse plant for helping to establish plants that may not be very hardy. Grows well in rocky soils. Used medicinally. Size 2 to 7m. S.A. No. 437.

Sowing instructions: Sow in summer in a well drained seedling mixture.

Locality: Ex Hort. Harvest: January 2024