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Drosanthemum striatum (100 seeds)


6 in stock

Drosanthemum striatum (100 seeds)

A fast-growing, sprawling, succulent perennial with a semi-prostrate, mat-forming growth habit. Plants can grow to 250 mm in height. Stems are covered in glistening papillae (hairs), hence their common name ice plant. Leaves are sub-cylindrical (not quite round), obtuse (blunt or with rounded tip) and 20-25 mm in length. The leaf stalk (petiole) is short, and flower petals are white, silver-pink or deep pink.

Sowing instructions: The small seeds can be sown in pots of fine, well-drained sand, any time during the summer months when temperatures are warm. Cover the seeds with a very fine layer of grit and water from below with a fungicide to prevent damping off. For the first 3-4 days cover the pots with a sheet of glass/clear Perspex to keep the humidity levels high. Remove the glass and replace it with light shade cloth and mist once or twice a day for the next two weeks after which most seeds should have germinated. From then on misting can be reduced to every second and then every third day as the little plants grow.

Locality: Porterville. Harvest: September 2024
