Elegia fistulosa(Restionaceae) It is neat, tufted and upright; with long slender reed-like stems up to 1 meter high. Every stem has an inflorescence, which is at least 10 centimeters long and has small side stems, each with about 15 flowers, which are nearly hidden by large golden brown bracts. Sowing: It is best propagated by seed and while it has a very low rate of germination, this is much improved by giving the seed a smoke treatment. This can be done by placing the seed trays in a small tent and pumping smoke into the tent, allowing the smoke to settle and then watering the seed trays, or by soaking the seed in a commercially available solution of smoke and hormones, the Instant Smoke Plus Seed Primer. Once the seed has germinated, the plants grow fast and can produce inflorescences within a year. Locality: Betties Bay. Harvest: August 2023