Erythrina zeyheri
Family: Fabaceae
Common names: Plough Breaker (e), Ploegbreker (a), umnsinsana (z), Khungoana (SS).
Very hardy, drought resistant, deciduous, underground tree with large, decorative, trifoliate, spiky leaves. It bears magnificent racemes of scarlet flowers in early spring. These are followed by pods containing attractive black and red seeds that are used for making necklaces. The underground trunk is so huge and hard that it is capable of damaging a plough, hence the common name. It prefers a dry sunny position and can withstand extreme cold. Dies back to only underground growth in winter. An interesting and unusual garden plant that will attract sunbirds and insects to the garden. The seeds are used as a lucky charm. Size 0,5 to 1 m.
Sowing instructions: Remove piece of hard outer shell opposite the eye (hilum) and soak in water for 24 hours.
Locality: Winburg. Harvest: December 2024