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Freesia fucata


Freesia fucata (Iridaceae) Growing from 15 to 30 cm, this species has 5 to 6 inclined to suberect linear to lanceolate leaves tapering to a point that are almost as long as the stem, firm textured bracts that are green with a hyaline margin, and violet scented white flowers flushed deep purple on the reverse. The base of the lower tepals is marked yellow orange with a dark midline. Sowing: Seed is sown in autumn, thinly, in deep (min. 10 cm) seed trays, to allow for root development. The soil medium should be well drained, a recommended mix being 2 parts sand: 2 parts compost: 1 part loam or equal parts sand and compost, and the seeds should be planted 3-4 mm deep, covered with clean sand and kept moist and lightly shaded. Locality: Villiersdorp. Harvest: December 2023


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