Gardenia volkensii (100 seeds)
Family: Rubiaceae
Common names: Transvaal Gardenia (e), Savannekatjiepiering (a), umGonwane (z)
Fairly hardy, drought resistant, evergreen tree or large shrub with an interesting, rigid, branching pattern and shiny, bright green leaves. It has large, white, sweetly scented, flowers in profusion during winter to spring. The flowers age to a lovely creamy-yellow color. The ribbed egg-shaped fruit are an added attraction to this beautiful small tree. Plant in full sun or semi-shade. Used for medicinal and magical purposes. Size up to 5m. S.A. No. 691.
Sowing instructions: Sow in springtime. Seeds normally germinates after 2 weeks. Shortly after germination start to fertilize with liquid nitrogen.
Locality: Empangeni. Harvest: March 2024