Gasteria excelsa
Family: Asphodelaceae
It is a robust, short stemmed aloe-like plant with triangular, dark to mottled green leaves edged with white. The edges of the leaves can be very sharp and in some cases may be finely serrated. The brittle, smooth leaves are broad at the base with a distinctly off-center keel and are arranged in a dense rosette which can grow up to 60 cm in diameter.
Sowing instructions: Sow the seeds during the cool, early summer months of the year in a light, sandy, loam mixture in a seed tray, 4 mm below the soil surface. If sown too deep, they will be smothered and probably not germinate. Ensure there is adequate drainage. A light mixture constitutes materials such as pumice, gravel, perlite and fine-textured humus. On top of this mixture, sprinkle a thin layer of coarse sand. Keep the area weed free and water with a fine mist spray every second day. Ensure the seed trays are in a sunny position.
Locality: Port Alfred. Harvest: June 2024