Harpephyllum caffrum
Family: Anacardiaceae
Common names: Wild Plum, Wildepruim.
This fairly hardy, large, evergreen tree has attractive dark green foliage with unusual sickle shaped leaflets and the odd red leaf in the crown. This is a beautifully shaped tree that has non-aggressive roots. The small yellowish-green flowers are borne in terminal sprays. Male and female flowers are on separate trees, therefore only female plants bear fruit. It then bears bunches of fleshy, red berries that are relished by birds, monkeys and Bushbabies. It is an important butterfly and moth host plant. The fruits and the kernels are edible and a delicious jelly can be made from the pulp. This is a beautifully shaped tree for gardens and makes a wonderful street tree. The bark is used for medicinal purposes and the wood used for furniture. Size 10 to 20m. S.A. No. 361.
Sowing instructions: Place seeds in concentrated Sulphuric acid for 1,5 hour, rinse and soak in cold water for 12 hours before planting.
Locality: Grahamstown. Harvest: July 2024