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Hymenolepis parviflora (100 seeds)


2 in stock

Hymenolepis parviflora (Athanasia parviflora) (100 seeds)

Family: Asteraceae

Common names: Coulter-bush (Eng.); koulterbos, pôbos, pokbos

It is a base-branching shrub with soft, textural, green needle-like foliage topped by umbels of densely held, golden-yellow, pollinator attracting flowers. They’re sweetly scented, too.

Sowing instructions: Asteraceae seeds often germinate better in response to smoke treatment. Only mature, plump and fully formed seeds should be used. Smoke seed trays after sowing or soak seed in aqueous smoke extract for 24 hours. Sow seeds in a sandy, well drained soil. Sow seeds in autumn.

Locality: Citrusdal. Harvest: May 2024