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Ledebouria galpinii (10 seeds)


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Ledebouria galpinii (price per 10 seeds) Solitary to gregarious, deciduous, bulbous plant, forming small clusters. Bulbs small and whitish in colour. Usually producing 3 or 4, somewhat succulent leaves in summer, simultaneously with or before the flowers,  lanceolate to broadly triangular, dark purplish green, appressed to the soil and adorned with pits on the upper surface, lower surface plain green or green suffused with purple. Seed must be sown fresh (cannot be stored), in spring or summer in seed trays or pots filled with the sifted potting mixture detailed above. The seed can be sown on a firmly tamped surface and lightly covered with the same mixture, approximately 2 mm deep. The seed trays should be kept in a bright position out of direct sunlight and kept damp for between 2 to 3 weeks, until germination has commenced. Locality: Ex Hort. Harvest: October 2020