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Leucospermum murii (100 seeds)


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Leucospermum murii. (Proteaceae) Albertinia pincushion (e), Bloukoolhout(a). A shrub that grows up to 1m height and flowers in late winter to early summer. It make a tidy rounded shrub and produces small yellow flowers that turn to orange with age. Highly recommended for gardening. Requires acid well drained soil. Sowing :Soak Leucospermum seed in water to which hydrogen peroxide has been added, at the ratio of 1% of the total volume. This loosens the outer seedcoat and oxygenates the seed. The softened seedcoat is rubbed off. Dust the seed with a systemic fungicide. Sow on a well-drained medium, firm down and cover with a layer of sand. Seed can be sown in an open seedbed in full sun, or in a seed-tray placed in a sunny position. Locality Bredasdorp. Harvest: December 2022