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Massonia depressa striped leaves


Massonia depressa striped leaves

Family: Hyacinthaceae

Common names: Hedgehog Lily

It grows in grit or other well drained soil with some water and lots of sun. The bulb will grow to 4,5 centimeters in diameter, the leaves won’t raise to more than a half centimeter, but can get up to 26 centimeters long. The flowers are greenish-white and are mainly pollinated by rodents. These strains have beautifully striped leaves.

Sowing instructions: It should be sown in autumn. Use 10 cm deep seed trays or pots and a well-drained, sterile sowing medium. Sow seeds thinly to prevent overcrowding and damping off. Cover with a thin layer of clean sand. Keep moist, but not wet, and place in a warm position. The young bulbs prefer a sunny position and very little moisture. Plant them in a potting mix that is sandy to loamy and very well-drained.

Locality: Kamieskroon. Harvest: August 2024


5, 20, 50, 100
