Moraea gigandra
Family: Iridaceae
Common names: grootflappie
The mature plant grows up to 0.5 m high and produces a single long linear spreading basal leaf up to 0.9 m long. The large, iris-like flowers usually occur in shades of pale to deep mauvish blue or deep blue, rarely white or orange, and are borne at the tips of the minutely hairy main stem, and occasionally from a short side branch. The outer tepals of the flowers are attractively marked with a large black zone at the base, and above this a distinctive peacock-blue nectar guide occurs, outlined in white.
Sowing instructions: Seed is sown in autumn, thinly, in deep (min. 10 cm) seed trays, to allow for root development. The soil medium should be well drained, a recommended mix being 2 parts sand : 2 parts compost : 1 part loam or equal parts sand and compost, and the seeds should be planted 3-4 mm deep, covered with clean sand and kept moist and lightly shaded.
Locality: Piketberg. Harvest: November 2024