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Orbea variegata


Orbea variegata

Family: Asclepiadaceae

Common names: Variegated Carrion-Flower.

It is probably the most well-known of all the species, having been in cultivation the longest. As it was one of the first South African stapeliads to be cultivated in Europe, many hybrids have been grown, most of them described as distinct species at some stage. Many of these hybrids are still in cultivation world-wide. The species grows under a variety of conditions. It originally comes from the winter-rainfall area of the Western Cape, mainly along the coastal belt. It grows actively during winter and spring. Growers should let the soil dry out between waterings and should feed the plants during the active growing season. Soil has to be well-drained and rich in organic matter.

Sowing instructions: Sow seeds in summer in a well drained medium.

Locality: Klein Brak Rivier. Harvest: February 2024


10, 50, 100
