Scadoxus pole-evansii. (100 seeds)
Family: Amaryllidaceae.
Common names: Nyanga fireball, Pungwe lily.
This is probably the most spectacular of all the Scadoxus species. It is native to the rain forests of Zimbabwe. The flowers are larger than the more familiar species but this is very different. The perianth tube and stamens are larger but significantly the petals are wide – most Scadoxus have only narrow petals. The plants flower in summer and can reach a height of up to 1m.
Sowing instructions: Sow seeds in deep seed trays as soon as possible after harvesting in a very well-drained, sandy medium to which some fine compost is added. Press lightly into the soil, so that the top of the seed remains visible. Water well once and then again only after the first leaves appear. After that, water well once every two to three weeks.
Locality: Ex Hort. Date of harvest: March 2017