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Schotia brachypetala (100 seeds)


19 in stock

Schotia brachypetala (100 seeds)

Common name: Weeping Boerbean

It is a hardy, semi-deciduous (deciduous in cold areas), very decorative tree with interesting branching patterns and a rugged look. The bark is rough and grey. The beautiful foliage is bronze when it first flushes and goes through many different colors and textures in the different seasons. From August to November it bears massed bunches of magnificent scarlet-red cup-like flowers filled with so much nectar that it drips out, hence the common name.

Sowing instructions: The seeds must first be soaked in hot water, left overnight and planted the next morning in seedling trays. Cover the seeds lightly with river sand and keep moist. Placing a clear glass over the seedling tray can speed up germination.

Locality: Pretoria. Harvest: January 2024