Searsia leptodictya (Anacardiaceae). Mountain Karee (e), Bergkaree (a), Mohlwehlwe (s). Hardy, evergreen, drought resistant, small, decorative tree with a drooping rounded crown of bright green foliage. The inconspicuous flowers (male and female flowers on separate plants, therefore only female plants bear fruit) are borne in late summer and are followed by bunches of fruit which attract birds. It grows in most soil types and makes a beautiful, graceful tree that is ideal for a small garden in sun or semi-shade. Size 3 to 4m. S.A. No. 387. Sowing : Sow in summer. The seed can be soaked during the night before sowing to help with germination. Sow in seedling trays and cover lightly with sand. It has a good germination rate but the trays should not be allowed to dry out. When the young plants have two leaves they may be transplanted into bags. Locality: Krugersdorp. Harvest: June 2020
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