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Strumaria unguiculata (live bulb)


3 in stock

Strumaria unguiculata. (Live bulb)

Family: Amaryllidaceae.

Common names: Cape snowflake, Tolbol

Plants up to 300 mm high; bulb whitish inside. Leaves 2(3), usually dry at flowering, sub-erect to recurved, elliptic to lanceolate, (15 – )30 – 600 mm wide, abruptly narrowed at the base, light green, thin-textured, the margins sometimes undulate. Flowers 7 – 24, spreading on long pedicels, shallowly cup-shaped, 15 – 20 mm across, glistening white with red midribs, scented of spice.

Locality: Doornrivier.

Weight 0.01 kg