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Triumfetta sonderi (100 seeds)


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Triumfetta sonderi. (Maagbossie) It is a small, erect, slender, branched shrub 0.5-1 m tall. It has a woody rootstock and long slender stems covered in stellate (star-like) hairs. It is deciduous, dying back in winter and sending out new growth every spring. Leaves are alternate, simple, ovate with an acute apex and shallowly toothed margins, and are roughly hairy on both sides. Sowing : The seeds must go through a dormant winter period. Plant the fertile seeds in a mixture of equal parts of coarse river sand and potting soil in spring or summer. Place the seedling container in a shady spot and water once a week. Germination takes place after 6-10 days.Locality: Ex Hort. Harvest: September 2021